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Rating: PG
Duration: 2 hrs 15mins
Powell and Pressburger’s visually ravishing masterpiece celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fairy tale, it tells the story of a young woman whose desire is to become a leading dancer. Victoria Page (played by real-life prima ballerina Moira Shearer) secures a transformative role at the Ballet Lermontov, that of a girl beguiled by a pair of magic red slippers. Gradually, the boundaries between fact and fiction blur as Page’s life intertwines with the feverish part she dances and she finds herself driven to breaking point by obsessive Russian impresario Lermontov (Anton Walbrook). THE RED SHOES revels in the captivating centrepiece ballet sequence and the backstage intrigue, unfolding against the double Academy Award-winning production design and score, as we follow characters for whom art is more important than life itself.